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12일 애플 기자 간담회에 어떤 이야기가 나올지 궁굼해 진다.
Anticipating an Apple-Google Merger
Back when I was a formal competitive analyst, I worked with one of the most advanced teams in the technology market. While we paled when compared to the vastly better funded and staffed teams in the pharmaceuticals industry, in our own industry, we were market leading. Part of what we did was profile CEOs to forecast future moves based on personality, age, health and past behavior.
For Apple, profiling Steve Jobs would probably give a more accurate measure of where that company is going than anything else, much like profiling Larry Ellison would do in Oracle's (Nasdaq: ORCL) case. As I, and others, have commented lately, however, Jobs isn't looking healthy of late and his age does appear to be catching up with him. This suggests retirement or another path may be looking more and more attractive to him.
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